[過去ログ] 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む30 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (653レス)
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160(3): 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む 2017/04/24(月)18:27 ID:1RdECzzL(21/25) AAS
>>130-131 関連
渡部 正樹 さん、”Preferred Networks, Inc. (Oct. 2016-)”か、外資企業へ就職したんやね。
Schubert polynomials, Kraskiewicz-Pragacz modules and highest weight categories (thesis)は、DOC論か
外部リンク:masakiwatanabe.github.io Masaki Watanabe
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo (-Sep. 2016)
Preferred Networks, Inc. (Oct. 2016-)
9. Schur partition theorems via perfect crystal, preprint, arXiv:1609:01905, joint work with Shunsuke Tsuchioka.
8. Kraskiewicz-Pragacz modules and Pieri and dual Pieri rules for Schubert polynomials, preprint, arXiv:1603.06080.
7. Pattern avoidances seen in multiplicities of maximal weights of affine Lie algebra representations, arXiv:1509.01070, joint work with Shunsuke Tsuchioka.
6. Kraskiewicz-Pragacz modules and some positivity properties of Schubert polynomials, an extended abstract of the results in 3. and 4., FPSAC 2015, awarded Best Student Paper Award.
5. Kraskiewicz-Pragacz modules and Ringel duality, J. Algebra 468, pp.1--23, 2016.
4. Tensor product of Kraskiewicz-Pragacz modules, J. Algebra 443, pp. 422--429, 2015.
3. An approach toward Schubert positivities of polynomials using Kraskiewicz-Pragacz modules, Eur. J. Combin. 58, pp. 17--33, 2016.
2. On a relation between certain character values of symmetric groups and its connection with creation operators of symmetric functions, J. Alg. Comb. 41(2), pp. 257--273, 2015.
1. On a relation between certain character values of symmetric groups and its connection with creation operators of symmetric functions, Combinatorial Representation Theory and Related Topics, RIMS kokyuroku 1870, pp.84--97, 2013.
外部リンク[pdf]:masakiwatanabe.github.io Schubert polynomials, Kraskiewicz-Pragacz modules and highest weight categories (thesis)
外部リンク[pdf]:masakiwatanabe.github.io Kraskiewicz-Pragacz module and some positivity properties of Schubert polynomials (FPSAC 2015 slide)
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