ガロア第一論文と乗数イデアル他関連資料スレ12 (903レス)
808(2): 現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP 01/30(木)10:09 ID:Xxyr0Rol(2/11) AAS
Well-ordering theorem
Proof from axiom of choice
The well-ordering theorem follows from the axiom of choice as follows.[9]
Let the set we are trying to well-order be A, and let f be a choice function for the family of non-empty subsets of A.
For every ordinal α, define an element aα that is in A by setting
aα= f(A∖{aξ∣ξ<α})
if this complement A∖{aξ∣ξ<α} is nonempty, or leave aα undefined if it is.
That is, aα is chosen from the set of elements of A that have not yet been assigned a place in the ordering (or undefined if the entirety of A has been successfully enumerated).
Then the order < on A defined by aα<aβ if and only if α<β (in the usual well-order of the ordinals) is a well-order of A as desired, of order type sup{α∣aα is defined}.
9^ Jech, Thomas (2002). Set Theory (Third Millennium Edition). Springer. p. 48. ISBN 978-3-540-44085-7.
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