[過去ログ] 【FEZ】ファンタジーアースゼロ雑談スレ1156 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (1001レス)

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680: 2015/06/20(土)18:30 ID:AF7uab/C(1/2) AAS
(´・ω・`)I am the bone of my pork.
(´・ω・`)Pig is my body, and pork is my blood.
(´・ω・`)I have created over a thousand pigs. Unaware of loss. Nor aware of gain.
(´・ω・`)With stood pain to create porks. Waiting for one's arrival.
(´・ω・`)I have no porks. This is only pig.
(´・ω・`)My whole pig was “unlimited blade porks”.
あと 321 レスあります
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