The Conspiracy thread [³f]ΪΦ~]© (42Ϊ½)
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11: 2016/10/11(Tue)09:04:27.63 AAS
>In 1989 America told Japan to stop the TRON project.Japan refused to stop.And in December 1989 USA threated japan with an eartquake machine called HAARP.
Do not mistake the JEWS for the Americans. America is run by JEWS, not the Americans themselves.
It was JEWS that decided what American government does since the mid to late 19th century all the way to the present day.
Its involvement in WW1 and 2, its participation in the Cold War, it was all steered by the JEWS.
They run America as if they are its absolute monarchs, as Henry Ford said. It was JEWS that threatened Japan.
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