The Conspiracy thread [³f]ΪΦ~]© (42Ϊ½)
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30: 2017/10/22(Sun)00:21 AAS
-> big S. Korean companies not only under control of jews but directly established by them
my proofs for this statement:
-> man with the one eye-> ( ζΨέΈ[jpg] ) is a very important concept for jews and this is LG's logo ->( ζΨέΈ[jpg] )
-> for jews, "6" is the number of satan and and 6th thing of something(no matter what) always goes wrong. Thus they try to do nothing on the 6th day(saturday) of every week and call this concept as "Sabbath"
-> PHP, a computer language which developed in israel passed its 6th version and directly jumped from PHP5 to PHP7
38: 2018/11/18(Sun)18:59 AAS
39: 2019/03/23(Sat)21:08 AAS
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