[過去ログ] 【画像】ソーセージ工場就業2週目の18歳男性、滑ったのか挽き肉機に上半身巻き込まれ死亡 (369レス)
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1(10): ルミ姉(家) [ニダ] 2019/06/24(月)21:54 ID:l59O0slY0(1) BE AAS
Sausage factory worker is killed after being sucked headfirst into a meat-mixing machine and suffocating in Philippines
A sausage factory worker has died in the Philippines after being dragged headfirst into a meat mixing machine.
Jomar Junco, 18, had only been working at the factory in Iloilo City for two weeks before he was killed on Saturday.
The horror accident unfolded around 7.30am when it is thought the teenager got his right arm caught in the mechanism and it dragged him inside.
Jomar did not know how to work the machine, which was supposed to be operated by coworker Carl David Carlos, who was more experienced, local media said.
The accident happened when Carl stepped away for a moment and Jomar tried to operate the machine alone.
When the shocked coworker returned he saw Jomar's legs sticking out of the machine and rushed to turn it off, but it was too late to save him.
Police were called and managed to extract his still intact body from the machine.
5(2): アニメ店長(光) [US] 2019/06/24(月)21:56 ID:gbN42DV60(1) BE AAS
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