[過去ログ] 【韓国】慰安婦のユネスコ「記憶」申請、韓国外交省も支援を支持[07/12] [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (496レス)

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496: <丶`∀´>@無断転載は禁止 2017/07/17(月)15:22 ID:peBJKGnk(1) AAS
There was no kidnapping incident for comfort-women in Korea. Based on these following facts.
01.No one knows the names of the village or town where the comfort-women were kidnapped.
02.No person whose daughter,wife,mother or sister was kidnapped.
03.No eyewitnesses of the comfort-woman kidnapping.
04.No protest. If many women had been kidnapped, the Koreans would have rioted.
05.This matter was not a problem before the 1990s.
06.No record of comfort-woman kidnapping which had been written before 1990s.
07.It is strange that so many as 200,000 victims had kept silence from 1945 to the 1990s.
08.At that time in Korea, most of policemen and officials were Koreans, not Japanese.
09:Many comfort-women went to movie or shopping in holiday.
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