[過去ログ] 【科学】フランスのノーベル賞物理学者、核廃棄物の処理法を発明・・・レーザー光線で別の原子に変換し半減期を数分に短縮★2 (1002レス)

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(1): 名無しさん@1周年 2019/04/06(土)01:21 ID:/B/heni00(18/26) AAS
 1. Harvest spleens from 1 week-old mice
 2.Put spleens into a 15 ml tube and mince them well to a paste with sterilized small scissors
 3.Add 5.5ml of HBSS
 4.Suspend the spleen paste in HBSS through a Pasteur pipette
 5.Strain the solution through a filter mesh (pore diameter:40μm) and collect the strained solution into a new 15ml conical tube
 6.Add 5ml of Lympholyte-M slowly into the bottom of the conical tube
 7.Centrifuge the conical tube at 1500g, 20 min, RT in a swinging bucket rotor
 8.Carefully collect a layer of lymphocytes as per standard procedure and put cells into a new15 ml conical tube**
 9.Centrifuge the conical tube at 800g, 10 min, RT
 10.Carefully the discard the supernatant
 11.Add 500μl of HBSS and suspend a cell pellet using a 1000μl-pipette***
 12.Take out 6μl of the cell suspension for cell counting
 13.Add 6μl of ATP solution (At this moment, the color of HBSS changes from red to yellow)
 14.Incubate the cells horizontally at 37℃ (in the 5% CO2 incubator) for 15 min**** (During this time, count the number of cells)
 15.Centrifuge the incubated cells at 1500rpm, 5min, RT
 16.Carefully the discard supernatant*****
 17.Add B27 medium at 1×106 cells per ml
 18.Add 1μl of bFGF solution per 1ml to the cell suspension
 19.Plate the cell suspension, 1ml per well in a 24-well culture dish
 20.Place the culture dish into the 5% CO2 incubator and culture until cells form cell clusters (approximately for a week)
あと 246 レスあります
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