[過去ログ] 【科学】フランスのノーベル賞物理学者、核廃棄物の処理法を発明・・・レーザー光線で別の原子に変換し半減期を数分に短縮★2 (1002レス)

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(1): 名無しさん@1周年 2019/04/06(土)01:21 ID:/B/heni00(18/26) AAS
 1. Harvest spleens from 1 week-old mice
 2.Put spleens into a 15 ml tube and mince them well to a paste with sterilized small scissors
 3.Add 5.5ml of HBSS
 4.Suspend the spleen paste in HBSS through a Pasteur pipette
 5.Strain the solution through a filter mesh (pore diameter:40μm) and collect the strained solution into a new 15ml conical tube
 6.Add 5ml of Lympholyte-M slowly into the bottom of the conical tube
 7.Centrifuge the conical tube at 1500g, 20 min, RT in a swinging bucket rotor
 8.Carefully collect a layer of lymphocytes as per standard procedure and put cells into a new15 ml conical tube**
 9.Centrifuge the conical tube at 800g, 10 min, RT
あと 246 レスあります
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