[過去ログ] 緊急事態宣言 延長不可避か 5連休明け判断 [ばーど★] (538レス)
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4: 2021/05/02(日)09:37 ID:wk59ekWS0(1) AAS
A Japanese friend of mine e-mailed to me a few days ago, lamenting his ignorance of a lot of the strange loan-words which were used by Mrs. Koike (the governoress of Tokyo),
and questioned me of what these words meant―"lock-down", "over-shoot", and "Aufheben".
But I confess that these words were no more understandable than Greek even to me, who was born and bred in Chicago, and now live there, too, after three years' staying for work in Japan.
I'm convinced that Mrs. Koike uses these words in order to make herself seem wiser and loftier or to divert criticisms from her policy per se. In the countries west of Bosporus, these habits of grandiloquence have been extinct since the end of the 19th century.
Offensive as that may sound to them, what is at a great issue is why the majority of 10 million Tokyoites chose that woman as their chief.
Generally, the large city, according to the industrialisation, increases its population of working-class people. This might have much to do with the choice of an indecent person for the politician.
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