[過去ログ] 【新コロナ】イベルメクチンで感染者激減→WHOが使うな→患者が急増→再使用で87%減少 インド弁護士会がWHO幹部を「告発」する騒ぎ★3 [かわる★] (1002レス)
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598(1): 2021/06/19(土)02:34 ID:1YaOu8HX0(1/8) AAS
●Ivermectin – We do not use ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19 outside of clinical trials, as with other interventions that are not supported by high-quality data, consistent with recommendations from the WHO [3]. Data on ivermectin for COVID-19 are of low quality. In a meta-analysis of 16 trials evaluating ivermectin (only four included patients with severe disease), the effects on mortality, need for invasive mechanical ventilation, and duration of hospitalization were all very uncertain because of limitations in trial design and low numbers of events [40].
In a retrospective review of 280 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, receipt of ivermectin was associated with a lower mortality rate; however, patients who received ivermectin were also more likely to receive corticosteroids, highlighting the potential for confounders to impact the findings of nonrandomized studies [143]. Ivermectin had originally been proposed as a potential therapy based on in vitro activity against SARS-CoV-2; however, the drug levels used in the in vitro studies far exceed those achieved in vivo with safe drug doses [144]. We reserve use of ivermectin for prevention of Strongyloides reactivation in select individuals receiving glucocorticoids. (See "Strongyloidiasis", section on 'Preventive treatment'.).
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