[過去ログ] ウクライナ、米国許可にて長距離兵器で近日中にロシア攻撃、北朝鮮が10万人派兵、部隊を止められるか焦点に [お断り★] (1002レス)
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888(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:08 ID:iKsoq8JV0(1/10) AAS
2/This has been brewing for some time, and Putin adopted the “Noosphere” policy agenda (of Vernadsky/Teilhard) back in 2000. Search my feed, read my threads and articles. This is all well-documented and Musk thinks he is a messiah who will “end” America. More below.
午後6:59 · 2024年11月18日
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