女王様 japanese.stackexchange.com (8レス)
1: 2016/10/30(日)05:28 ID:ghiENwc6(1) AAS
女王様 japanese.stackexchange.com
2: 2016/10/30(日)05:28 ID:??? AAS
Why are you following me always. I am now bothered by running a company to make marriage with my girl....and then you should not talk to me as you can see above there seem to be others who feel like me. Talk to them. For instance, Rathony dares to say voting on SEs is nothing but a joke. I don't particularly have any problem votinmg on SEs but he seems to have emotional something on it. ? Kentaro Tomono 8 hours ago
But you know, do we have as same amount of resources as English when we try to learn, for ex, Polish. Actually, there is virtually nothing. I know someone in Poland and I went there, and my friend speaks Polish perfectly ( according to her, she makes mistakes sometimes yet ). Since I know little bit about Russian, I can see some kind of familiarity between them but the scarcity of resources, especially solid ones, would have impact on the learner's "access" to the language imo. ? Kentaro Tomono 8 hours ago
So by your saying Koreans master faster than Europeans, you are admitting that Europeans are having the disadvantage on learning our mother tongue. What does it make difference.......... ? Kentaro Tomono 8 hours ago
3: 2016/10/31(月)01:40 ID:??? AAS
‌​ ‌​ <------------ What's this?
4: 2016/11/01(火)07:03 ID:??? AAS
いんけんインク【隠顕インク】紙に書いたときは無色または淡色で見えないが、熱したり適当な処理をしたりすると濃青色に見えるようになる ...
5: 2016/11/01(火)08:02 ID:??? AAS
> ではchocoさんは次世代を次世替とも言いかえると言う訳ですな?その論理によれば同じ係り文字の交で代=替ならそう言い換えれる筈。そんな日本語有りましたか? とい??うか結局何を仰りたいので? 上に書いた通りタイムスパンの長さの違いが原因では無いのでしょうか? ? Kentaro Tomono 49 mins ago
6: sage 2017/04/10(月)05:09 ID:??? AAS
Feb 11 2:41 AM
「確認して、朝ご飯は午前7時ですね?」「確認したくて、朝ご飯は午前7時ですか?」 sound unnatural, I'm afraid... You'd say more like 「確認したいのですが、〜〜」「確認ですが、〜〜」 ? Shoko 3 mins ago
7: 2017/04/10(月)05:53 ID:??? AAS
2016/10/26 - 日本人にとって韓国語がマスターし ?やすく印欧語がマスターしにくいのと同じで ?す。全人類にとって「英語が簡単で日本語が ?難しい」というわけではありません。ケンタ ?ロウさんだって何十年も英語やってていまだ ?にそれじゃないですか。
↑ この傲慢さ、陰険さは何?
8: ホモから産まれたホモ太郎◆k7yVfyP7Lk 2021/08/18(水)03:15 ID:??? AAS
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