[過去ログ] 【Project peko】2ch特化型サーバ・ロケーション構築作戦 Part16 (1001レス)
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765: root▲ ★ 05/01/13 04:16 ID:??? AAS
Jim (04:05 AM) :
I can get the card at 5 PM today from the distributor is that time ok with you?
Me (04:07 AM) :
5 PM, is 9 AM in Japan. Sorry, I will be offline (I still be in bed I think).
But you can install this card as RAID 1 I think. It is not so difficult.
And I already back up all data of cobra2245, so you can initialize all data of HDD.
Jim (04:08 AM) :
yes I can do it.
Me (04:08 AM) :
Oh, 10 PM in Japan... But anyway, I think I can not attend at this time.
あと 236 レスあります
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