[過去ログ] ID設定変更申請スレッド (1001レス)

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887: ◆aPhqEdfP5P.R 2014/10/28(火)01:56 ID:Uu1WtiFd0(2/2) BE AAS
/// The summary of argument ///
[Agreeing opinion of ID display]
It is easy to identify a write-in person.
Abusive language can be hidden using an exclusive browser function.
A specific person can be made undisplayed.
An offender can be collectively reported to management.
A barren argument and acting in a play of their own writing can be restricted.
Writing with criminality can be checked.

[Dissenting opinion of ID display]
The amount of writing of the whole board decreases and there is fear of decrease in population.
あと 114 レスあります
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