航空無線通信士・航空特殊無線技士 Part13 (319レス)

(1): 2022/10/28(金)01:16 AAS
You are the captain of a passenger plane and have to go back to the ramp for de-icing due to heavy snow. Upon approving your taxi-back request, the controller instructed you to use caution. What is the most likely reason for this?
1. Because the passengers may catch cold.
2. Because the taxiway is slippery with ice and snow.
3. Because of the possibility of heavy rain and gusty winds.
4. Because the runway is contaminated with hydraulic fluid.

You are a tower controller. The pilot of an aircraft which has just landed has reported a serious tail strike. What should you do?
1. Ask the airline company to tell their staff to be more co-operative
2. Let other aircraft use the runway only for take-off due to the change of wind direction
3. Request the pilot to look up the emergency recovery procedures for possible engine damage
4. Close the runway and ask the operations vehicle to inspect the runway surface for metal debris

Wake turbulence is disturbance in the atmosphere that forms behind an aircraft. When an ATC controller says, "Caution, wake turbulence behind the departing aircraft," what kind of aircraft might be near you?
1. A light aircraft that is landing
2. A light aircraft that is taking off
3. A helicopter that is departing from the airport
4. A heavy passenger airplane that is departing from the airport

When the air temperature falls to around the dew-point temperature, you will see drops of dew form on the surfaces of leaves or glasses. What will happen to the dew-point temperature when the air gets very humid?
1. It will depend on the person.
2. It has no relation with the humidity.
3. It will drop far below the air temperature.
4. It will be close or equal to the air temperature.
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