[過去ログ] 真岡鉄道 part5 (29レス)
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17: 2006/10/02(月)03:46 ID:YH4nIlbI(4/8) AAS
What relation is jealousy(not all love)-troubles ?
Is it relation to jealousy(not all love)-control ? Is it a kind of mind-control ?
That is, Is there such a way of making use of jealousy(men and women) ?
If anybady make bad use of jealousy, Naturally enough that is Set back and Arrested or Fined.
I'm very jealous, but the jealousy isn't the source of my heart.
I think that it is important to control by eachself.
In other words, at least me, I think that Self-control is very important in case of jealousy, and Everybady must not make bad use of jealousy, normaly.
What relation is it ?
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