[過去ログ] 人権は、宇宙愛の一部 2 (1001レス)
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665: 2011/12/08(木)08:25 ID:KrLLOeFf0(3/4) AAS
Human rights is part two of a cosmic love
1 Anonymous @ full stomach. : 22 nov. 2010 (Tue) 04:10:01.59
Divine nature "eight million gods,"
the Sun God, the God of gods old Otaki eight million gods of the river god god god of the sea Oiwa Yamagami
philosophical concepts >> 1-10
know the origin of the universe, to know the origin of the earth, animals and What, if anything human. People and society is something.
I have love in the universe the earth, and human rights of humanity in humanity has in the global love.
If you live in the survival of the fittest, not the law go into the world
leader, what should be語Re
completion of the human social animal who is 25 years old 15 years old
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