Mizumizuのライフスタイル・妄想ブログ (982レス)
Mizumizuのライフスタイル・妄想ブログ http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/
588: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/05(日) 16:43:24 ID:s3EQxI3Y0 無様・・・それはひどすぎる表現だわ コスの演技は好きなだけに、正直可哀相で見てられなかったな・・・ コスやレピストや真央は正直戦意を喪失してたようにみえたのは確か。 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/588
589: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/05(日) 16:49:57 ID:njsqHRAJ0 コスは今季スケカナからずっとジャンプ怪しかったから ああいう形で壊れても驚かないけどね。 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/589
590: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [] 2009/04/05(日) 17:04:27 ID:ifrB9AZ40 >>586 いい加減はお前だ 日本語教室紹介してあげるから通え http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/590
591: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/05(日) 17:37:50 ID:2M6PbDc60 成りすまし乙なブログ ばかばかしい http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/591
592: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [] 2009/04/06(月) 00:23:39 ID:DToatY0Z0 ビアンケッティさんからのメール outstanding programs: Yu Na Kim, Joannie Rochette, Miki Ando and Mao Asada in ladies. Mao, in my opinion, made a mistake in attempting a second time a triple Axel when the first one was successful. It was not necessary and too risky. Men' short program that should have been just the reverse: Chan, Lysachek, Joubert. >Sonia Bianchetti face book Yu Na Kim was marvellous! She gave me the artistic emotion that I have been missing for many years. A real"champion". by Sonia マオタwww http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/592
593: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 00:45:25 ID:TtXxckZ80 もうフィギュアは嫌だ、足を洗うといいつつ連日狂ったように書いてるなw http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/593
594: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 01:29:43 ID:8YGXC5150 >>593 しょうがないよ、好きなものは、結局、捨てられない。 それがフィギュアファンだ。 ただ一人のアイドルのファンって訳じゃないからね http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/594
595: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 01:33:35 ID:pIvdxIYQO 応募してます 水水さん http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/595
596: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 01:38:41 ID:8gWyc3V30 >>592 あ、そうという感じ。 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/596
597: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 01:56:32 ID:eDzV3TMYO この人ただのマヲタ。しかもニワカ。 まさに「妄想」ブログ。 フィギュアネタはもう書かないと言いつつ、毎日更新。もうやめれ。 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/597
598: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 01:56:35 ID:s9pO9NwWO ↓原文読んで来たけど、どこに書いてあるの? >Sonia Bianchetti face book Yu Na Kim was marvellous! She gave me the artistic emotion that I have been missing for many years. A real"champion". http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/598
599: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 01:59:33 ID:8gWyc3V30 その人にメールを送った人はキムが大好きだと自己紹介しているね。 好きなスケーターが本当に真の覇者か?に対応してくれたかな? で、その文あるの?ないの? http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/599
600: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 02:04:00 ID:kN42j4IR0 >>592 都合の良い部分だけ切り取るのはやめようね。以下全文。 Dear TMRowing, Thanks for writing to me. It is always a great joy for me to receive letters from fans expressing their thoughts, their suggestions or critics. The opinion of the fans is vital because you are the lymph for any sport to survive. And I do regret that the present ISU leadership does not seem to listen to you at all! This is a real shame. In Los Angeles we have seen a few outstanding programs: Yu Na Kim, Joannie Rochette, Miki Ando and Mao Asada in ladies, Chan, Lysachek, Contesti in Men, Davis/White and Virtue/Moir in ice dancing and the Germans in pairs. Mao, in my opinion, made a mistake in attempting a second time a triple Axel when the first one was successful. It was not necessary and too risky. Out of more or less two hundred competitors, this cannot be considered a success. Practically there was not one single program without mistakes or falls. I fully agree with you that once more we can say that the beauty and the art of figure skating have been killed by the new system. And I really cannot understand how the ISU President could declare during his press conference in Los Angeles that "the standard is very high and we are improving the quality" (see attached article). Besides the quality of skating, also the judging was very disappointing and some results questionable. In no way the Domina / Shabalin and Belbin / Agosto could be first and second! Not to speak of the results of the Men' short program that should have been just the reverse: Chan, Lysachek, Joubert. As I say in my article the number of Program Components is much too high and all the requirements listed in each one just make it impossible for any judge, in my opinion, to properly assess the marks. And it is totally useless, because, as you can see, there is no difference from one mark to another. The marks of the PC are mainly based on the reputation of the skaters and previous competitions. A real scandal. Besides nobody in the arena and at home can understand the marking now, which is one of the main reasons of the loss of interest in the sport. Since the introduction of the new system the popularity of figure skating has gone downhill! This is why I make the proposal to reduce the PC to two and judge on a relative scale, using marks from 0 to 6. I am very happy to hear that you agree with this proposal. Now the big question is: how can we get our voices heard? I can tell you that in Los Angeles there were discussions about the state of figure skating and how to improve the system. Of course any important change will only come into force after the Olympic Games. Myself, with a group of coaches, are studying some proposals to be submitted to the TC for consideration at the next Congress. What could help would be, if you could, somehow submit your ideas to the Japanese Federation or create a web site where to discuss this matter. You could also join Face book and become a member of the "bring back the 6.0 judging system" group which has already 1200 members. If you want I can add you name to my mailing list. Thanks again for your support and encouragement. Sonia http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/600
601: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 02:07:50 ID:kN42j4IR0 >>599 そのキムファンのブログ主でさえ、今回の点数は変だって言ってるのに ここのアンチ必死すぎ。 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/601
602: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 07:22:10 ID:jmMKpbTuO >>597 マオタじゃなくて安藤オタに見えるんだけど? どっちでもいいけどさ(笑)コスに謝れって感じ http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/602
603: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 07:24:18 ID:H8Qd9dp80 キムの点数はおかしくない、という根拠はほとんど出てこないな。 妄想だなんだというならキムの点数は妥当という理屈をぜひ聞いてみたい。 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/603
604: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [] 2009/04/06(月) 09:37:12 ID:pwOHozUB0 >>601さん>>603さん、 そういう問題じゃないんだよ。 陰謀・異常が「ある」と言う人が、 「ある」の論拠・推論を、立てなければならない。 陰謀・異常は「絶対ないぞ」、 と言ってる人は、少ないだろ。 自論を、公開・公表「する人」が、 責任を取らなければならない。 間違い・ウソがあってはいけない。非難されて当然。 (2chの我々も同様)。 「可能性」にすぎないものを、 大々的に広める(稼ぐ)のも、自由だが、 間違い・ウソがあってはいけない。非難されて当然。 (2chの我々も同様)。 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/604
605: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 10:07:14 ID:8gWyc3V30 >>602 安藤ファンと以前から言われてたと記憶してる http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/605
606: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 13:33:16 ID:U8jQioE30 在日キムオタが火消しに必死だな http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/606
607: 氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 [sage] 2009/04/06(月) 14:34:51 ID:pwOHozUB0 くやしそうだねw http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/skate/1231155938/607
あと 375 レスあります