[過去ログ] Jelly/JellyPro Part4 (1002レス)

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(2): 2017/11/29(水)16:07 ID:uuHWUrZn(3/3) AAS
As for the battery, due to the limitation for battery transportation, currently
we can only ship the separate battery to US and Germany address.
We are working on it now and it will be available to more areas soon. Now you can directly buy it here: Battery for Jelly/Jelly Pro
And according to the demand of many backers, we also made the new screen
protector for Jelly/Jelly Pro. It will be on shelves soon.
Please pay attention to our Facebook and Twitter account to get the latest
news about us.

For Japan backers,
We are now working on the Japan certificate for Jelly Pro. After we finish it
, we will officially launch Jelly Pro to Japan market.
Please pay close attention to our Japan Twitter account to get informed.
If you have any questions or need any support,
please feel free to contact: -----@---------.com. We will response in 24 hours.
Thank you for your great support and we will keep optimizing Jelly/Jelly Pro
and make it better!
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