[過去ログ] ソウルメイト・ツインソウル総合スレッド・14 (1002レス)
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913(1): 2021/07/18(日)02:56 ID:OYDVDbyo(2/6) AAS
ツインレイ 魂の7つのグループ サナンダメッセージ 3 後半
A Twin Soul(ツインソウル(双子の魂))
A Twin Soul is a very like vibrational frequency. Each individual has twelve Twin Souls. They are part of the Twin Mate grouping, however these twelve are extremely close to your earthwork. Some of you will be blessed to have a few of these beings close to you on earth. You will feel as if you have known and worked with one another forever, and truly you have. This is likened to the twelve Ascended Masters you will link up to on your climb to the Christ Light.
A very few of you are Twin Souls to the twelve Masters that are on your line-up awaiting your arrival. This is for instructing purposes, as you are a teacher of magnitude and your energy is linked to this consciousness of Light. There have been many blessed romantic encounters with this group of beings. The ratio of male/female on each grouping is dependent on lessons and/or experiences one needs to attain for advancement into the higher realms of light.
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