gnuplot を使おう。 その3 (944レス)
930: 2023/05/25(木)16:29 AAS
`kittycairo` terminalが現在の開発版にくみこまれました
+" The `kittycairo` terminal generates in-window output on terminal emulators",
+" that support the kitty graphics protocol. The actual drawing is done via",
+" cairo, a 2D graphics library, and pango, a library for text rendering.",
+" The kitty protocol is an alternative to sixel graphics, with the advantage",
+" of support for 24-bit RGB colors and slightly lower required bandwidth to",
+" transfer the image data between computer and terminal in a remote session.",
+" Syntax:",
+" set terminal kittycairo",
あと 14 レスあります
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル
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