[過去ログ] 【百獣の王】ライオン総合スレ2【ハーレム】 (1002レス)
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544: 2020/05/30(土)11:26 ID:edsusmoi(1) AAS
Young, captive sub-adult tiger kills one of the
largest male lions in captivity:
"For more than an hour the battle continued between
the lion and Akbar's tiger.Each beast was scratched
and scarred, where the cruel claws of the other had
torn long gashes in its flanks.The cage was literally
splashed with blood and the roars of the contestants
horrified the spectators,but at last, the tiger
conquered.Obtaining a death-grip on the lion.” the
tiger wasn't even big and was clearly a young specimen.
あと 458 レスあります
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