[過去ログ] 雑談しようよ!!!!!!!! Part 61 (1002レス)

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684: 2024/12/12(木)08:21 AAS
アメリカで中絶事情の記事だが常識としてRoe vs. Wadeを知り必要がある。

But inflation has led the cost of everything else to surge. If Jackson were to charge patients the true cost of performing an abortion – including the cost of equipment and labor – she says she would probably have to double the clinic’s prices.

Another source of strain is fatigue among would-be donors, more than two years after the fall of Roe. The Abortion Care Network has, for several years, run a fundraising campaign called Keep Our Clinics, which helps clinics pay for rent, security, legal costs and other services. In 2022, the campaign raised $5m. In 2023, it raised $3m.
685: 2024/12/12(木)08:26 AAS
アメリカでの中絶事情の記事だが、常識としてRoe vs. Wadeを知る必要がある。
686: 2024/12/12(木)08:33 AAS

The supreme court just overturned the landmark Roe v Wade case, which granted women in the US the right to terminate a pregnancy. A reversal of this magnitude is almost unprecedented, particularly on a case decided nearly 50 years ago.

The extraordinarily rare move will allow more than half of states to ban abortion, with an immediate and enduring impact on tens of millions of Americans.
687: 2024/12/12(木)08:37 AAS
アメリカでの中絶事情の記事だが、常識としてRoe vs. Wadeを知る必要がある。
688: 2024/12/12(木)08:42 AAS
Roe vs.Wade判決で中絶は憲法で認めれた権利
1922年判決でRoe vs.Wade判決が覆る、中絶の是非は州に任せる、州法で中絶禁止可
(1): (ワッチョイ df02-pQ4B) 2024/12/12(木)09:20 ID:rIHoqg2m0(1/2) AAS
(1): 2024/12/12(木)10:27 AAS
691: (ワッチョイ bf18-swFN) 2024/12/12(木)11:11 ID:PxQ/xP0V0(1/2) AAS
692: (ワッチョイ bf18-swFN) 2024/12/12(木)11:23 ID:PxQ/xP0V0(2/2) AAS

693: (ワッチョイ df02-pQ4B) 2024/12/12(木)11:29 ID:rIHoqg2m0(2/2) AAS
Sandbagging、Instrumental alignment faking、Self-exfiltration、Goal-guarding、Covert Email Reranking、Oversight subversion

Scheming reasoning evaluations
694: (ワッチョイ 27c4-7Ydj) 2024/12/12(木)11:39 ID:pokVdncq0(1) AAS

ground zero引き比べは名作やろ
695: 🥹英ちゃん😉 (ワッチョイW df86-z4ac) [age] 2024/12/13(金)01:09 ID:NtxMI0EW0(1) AAS
696: (ワッチョイW bfdd-/xHs) 2024/12/13(金)06:23 ID:coBXCQI80(1/2) AAS
697: (ワッチョイW bf07-/xHs) 2024/12/13(金)18:47 ID:coBXCQI80(2/2) AAS
698: (ワッチョイW 7f20-Fwpe) 2024/12/14(土)03:31 ID:vMOqaq8j0(1) AAS
昨日9時間 もねたせいで全く寝れねえよ 今日
(1): 2024/12/14(土)09:28 AAS
Since about mid-November, hundreds of New Jersey residents have been calling law enforcement and state officials after spotting what appeared to be drones in the skies over about a dozen counties. The reports have become more frequent in recent days. In some sightings, mysterious car-sized flying objects, sometimes in groups, were seen above military installations and critical infrastructure such as energy facilities, railway stations and reservoirs. Republican state senator Jon Bramnick said it amounted to “a limited state of emergency”.
What are the flying objects?
Nobody has yet been able to properly identify them. White House officials say they do not belong to the US military and believe they are mostly “manned aircraft … being operated lawfully”. No foreign involvement is suspected and there is no apparent threat to public safety or national security, the Pentagon says. Phil Murphy, the Democratic governor of New Jersey, called them “unmanned aerial systems”, or UAS, in a letter to president Joe Biden demanding further investigation. Their size, roughly 6-ft across according to some accounts, makes them unlikely to be toy or hobby drones flown by amateurs.
Could they be UFOs or sent by a hostile foreign power?
The White House, Pentagon, homeland security department and FBI all say no. While they don’t know exactly what the objects are, they are confident in knowing what they’re not. John Kirby, the government’s national security spokesperson, told reporters on Thursday that there is no evidence of any overseas involvement – and added that authorities at federal and state level had yet to corroborate any reported sighting. “Historically, we have experienced cases of mistaken identity, where reported drones are, in fact, manned aircraft or facilities,” an FBI statement released Friday said.
What are politicians saying?
(1): 2024/12/14(土)09:29 AAS
As well as New Jersey, sightings have been reported in parts of Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia in recent days and weeks. On Thursday night, Larry Hogan, the Republican former governor of Maryland, said he watched dozens of large drones for about 45 minutes above his house in Davidsonville. Overseas, drones have been spotted recently at a US air base in Germany and at RAF bases in the UK used by American forces, but there is so far no known link to events in the US.
So what is being done about them?
The Federal Aviation Administration has implemented drone no-fly zones in some areas of New Jersey, including an army facility in Morris county and president-elect Donald Trump’s golf resort in Bedminster, while investigations continue. Some local officials want a statewide ban. The Pentagon, having established no security threat, is leaving it to the FBI, working with state authorities, to better understand what the objects are and where they came from. The FBI’s Newark field office, in conjunction with state police, has asked for the public’s help.
What is the law regarding drones?
Drones, and flying them, are regulated by strict FAA laws and regulations, which include compulsory registration for most types of private and commercial unmanned aerial systems, as well restrictions on where and when they can be flown. For instance, it is prohibited to fly UAS near airports, military installations and facilities, and over people, depending on their size. It is a criminal offense to shoot down drones because of the safety implications. The FAA has the authority to close airspace to all drone flights at its discretion.
701: 🥹英ちゃん😉 (ワッチョイW df86-z4ac) [age] 2024/12/14(土)11:22 ID:bRSSTNOc0(1/3) AAS
702: 2024/12/14(土)13:33 AAS
1. Male Prostitute
A male prostitute refers to a man who provides sexual services in exchange for money. This term is very direct and often carries a negative or harsh connotation. It is commonly used in discussions related to legality, morality, or societal criticism. For instance:

He was arrested for working as a male prostitute.
The novel tells the story of a male prostitute surviving on the margins of society.
2. Male Escort
A male escort typically refers to a man who offers companionship or social services for payment. These services may include attending events or providing company, and in some cases, they may involve sexual services, though this is usually implied rather than stated outright. The term is more polished and professional, often associated with upscale or discreet arrangements. For example:

He works as a male escort, accompanying clients to high-profile events.
Male escort services are increasingly popular in urban areas.
3. Gay Prostitute
A gay prostitute specifically refers to a man who provides sexual services to male clients. This term emphasizes the client demographic or the provider’s sexual orientation. It is somewhat casual and often used in everyday discussions or to highlight a specific context involving male clients or LGBTQ+ issues. Examples include:
703: (ワッチョイW bfdf-/xHs) 2024/12/14(土)20:09 ID:xBElOUES0(1/3) AAS
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