[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 364 (1002レス)
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876(1): (ワッチョイ 7b69-ctHD) 2023/07/04(火)23:40 ID:OcbKOPvJ0(1) AAS
We have hundreds of templates to choose from that have all been designed with first-time users in mind.
We have hundreds of templates whitch have all been designed with first-time users in mind.
これに to choose from that が挿入され
We have hundreds of templates (to choose from that) whitch have all been designed with first-time users in mind.
さらに which が省略されて
We have hundreds of templates to choose from that have all been designed with first-time users in mind.
あと 126 レスあります
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