[過去ログ] 【AMD】AM4マザーボード総合 Part31【Ryzen】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)

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(2): (ワッチョイ ff6a-q1AQ) 2017/05/16(火)13:50 ID:x97z42Gm0(2/3) AAS
>>470 「DARK CAP」「DARK CHOKE」など、「ミリタリークラス4」準拠の高品質コンポーネントを採用


Taichi / Fatal1ty Pro and Crosshair VI Hero are in their own class in terms of VRM.
Biostar GT7 / Prime Pro are very solid designs.
Giga Gaming 5 is doing well also and probably belongs here.
I think you're fine if you go with any of those boards, so price,
features, and comfort level with the UEFI come into play.
The MSI boards are alright, but not to my taste in terms of components.
I think I got more beef with the GT7 for what I paid versus the Titanium,

VRMの点でTaichiやFatal1tyPro、Crosshair VI Heroは十分な物を持っている。
あと 519 レスあります
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