統帥権の運用と集団的自衛権行使容認の憲法解釈 (580レス)
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29: 2014/07/11(金)17:36 ID:CHlDdlmX(1/2) AAS
31: 2014/07/11(金)18:50 ID:CHlDdlmX(2/2) AAS

Human societies (there are some brilliant exceptions) have been generally opposed to freedom of thought, or, in other words, to new ideas, and it is easy to see why.
The average brain is naturally lazy and tends to take the line of least resistance.
The mental world of the ordinary man consists of beliefs which he has accepted without questioning and to which he is firmly attached;
he is instinctively hostile to anything which would upset the established order of this familiar world.
A new idea, inconsistent with some of the beliefs which he holds, means the necessity of rearranging his mind;
and this process is laborious, requiring a painful expenditure of brain-energy.
To him and his fellows, who form the vast majority, new ideas, and opinions which cast doubt on established beliefs and institutions, seen evil because they are disagreeable.
―J.B.BURY, A History of Freedom of Thought

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