[過去ログ] 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む23 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)

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(2): 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む 2016/10/04(火)23:53 ID:hevvUNnn(11/12) AAS

2016年のノーベル物理学賞発表 2016/10/04 23:09
2016年のノーベル物理学賞が発表され、物質の新しい状態である「トポロジカル相 (Topological phase)」の理論化と発見に関わったDavid J. Thouless、F. Duncan M. Haldane、J. Michael Kosterlitzの3氏に贈られる事が決定した。賞金はThoulessに半分、HaldaneとKosterlitzに残り半分に送られる。

プレスリリース:Nobelprize.org. "The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016" (4 October 2016)

J M Kosterlitz and D J Thouless. "Long range order and metastability in two dimensional solids and superfluids.(Application of dislocation theory)" (1972)
J M Kosterlitz and D J Thouless. "Ordering, metastability and phase transitions in two-dimensional systems" (1973)
J M Kosterlitz. "The critical properties of the two-dimensional xy model" (1974)
David R. Nelson and J. M. Kosterlitz. "Universal jump in the superfluid density of two-dimensional superfluids" (1977)
D. J. Thouless, Mahito Kohmoto, MP Nightingale and M Den Nijs. "Quantized hall conductance in a two-dimensional periodic potential" (1982)
F.D.M. Haldane. "Continuum dynamics of the 1-D Heisenberg antiferromagnet: Identification with the O(3) nonlinear sigma model" (1983)
F.D.M. Haldane. "Nonlinear Field Theory of Large-Spin Heisenberg Antiferromagnets: Semiclassically Quantized Solitons of the One-Dimensional Easy-Axis Neel State" (1983)
Qian Niu, D J Thouless and Yong-Shi Wu. "Quantized hall conductance as a topological invariant" (1985)
F.D.M. Haldane. "Model for a Quantum Hall Effect without Landau Levels: Condensed-Matter Realization of the "Parity Anomaly"" (1988)

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