[過去ログ] 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む27 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (517レス)
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(2): 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む 2017/01/14(土)21:35 ID:co7dEEx8(37/45) AAS


6.1MB rings of real-valued continuous functions. i - American Mathematical Society E Hewitt 著 - ?1948

1.6MB [PDF]Rings of Real-Valued Continuous Functions. I E HEWITT 著 - ?1948 Transactions a/the American Mathematical Society
(1): 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む 2017/01/14(土)21:46 ID:co7dEEx8(38/45) AAS
Part I. General properties of function rings.

5. Definition of βX. A cardinal property of rings E*(X, R) is the fact that for every completely regular space, there exists a unique bicompact Hausdorff space, commonly denoted as βX, having the properties that XEβX, X~ = βX, and S*(X, R) is algebraically isomorphic to &*(βX, R).
The existence and uniquene β of βX were first proved by Stone (see [26, Theorems 78, 79, 88]), by methods dependent upon the theory of representation of topological spaces as maps in Boolean spaces. A second, simpler, proof was given by Cech [7].
A third construction of β, valid for normal spaces only, was obtained by Wallman [31 ], and A. Weil has presented a construction based on the theory of uniform structures [32]. A simplified version of Stone's original construction was given in 1941 by Gelfand and Shilov (see [13]).

Kakutani has given a construction of β based on Banach lattices [18].

Finally, Alexandroff, using a modification of Wallman's construction, has produced a construction of β and of yet more general bicompact TV spaces in which arbitrary regular spaces can be imbedded as dense subsets. (See [l ].)
Spaces βX thus appear as truly protean entities, arising in the most diverse manner from apparently unrelated constructions.
It is not our purpose at the present time to elaborate on the inner connections which obtain among the various constructions of β, or to present any eβential variants thereof.
510: 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む 2017/01/15(日)09:55 ID:3YFHDxHU(6/12) AAS
>>495-498 補足

英文でやってみたが、同様だったので、英文のゲルファント & シロフで、それらしいのをひろった

E Hewitt 著1948がアーカイブされていて、結構上位でヒットしたから、良い論文なのかもしれない
実際、引用文献で、著名な方、Cech(コホモロジーで有名)、A. Weil 、Stone (圏論でも登場)、Gelfand and Shilov(今回)、Kakutani(有名な日本人)、Alexandroff(*) など伝説の数学者たちが、現役のころの論文だと見ました

ともかく、「ゲルファント・シロフの定理」は、現代数学ではグロタン先生のspec(a) (スキーム理論) に吸収されてしまったので、ヒットしなくなったと解しました

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