[過去ログ] 【捕鯨】商業捕鯨の再開提案、反対多数で否決 日本、IWC脱退の可能性に言及 ★3 (1002レス)

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94: 名無しさん@1周年 2018/09/15(土)18:01 ID:snYWaJiy0(2/2) AAS
International controversy

Japan's call for the IWC's moratorium to be lifted formed part of a proposal for wider reform of the organisation, which it suggested should focus on "resource management" and permit species of whales "whose population is healthy enough to be harvested sustainably".
In particular, Tokyo was eager to win a concession allowing for the regulated hunting of Minke whales, a species it has claimed are abundant and in no danger of extinction.
Minke whales, comprising the Common and Antarctic varieties, are not listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Japan proposes legalising commercial whaling
"Minke whaling is an integral part not only of our history, but also of our own lives," the Japanese delegation said in its opening statement to the summit.
"We are proud that Japan's small-type coastal minke whaling has always been a sustainable fishery. Our fishery has not negatively impacted the ecosystem and it never will," the statement added.
Whale meat is a popular foodstuff among certain parts of Japan's population, though demand for it has fallen significantly in recent decades, according to a 2013 IFAW report.
Japan, the current chair of the IWC, officially observes the body's prohibition on commercial hunting but continues to capture hundreds of Minke whales each year under an exception to the ban, which permits the killing of whales for scientific purposes.
In 2014, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Japan to halt its whaling programme in the Southern Ocean, also called the Antarctic Ocean, after determining that the hunting permits granted by authorities were not being used "for purposes of scientific research".
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