[過去ログ] 【Raven】AMDのノート用APU/CPU Part41【Stoney】 (1002レス)
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567: 2019/01/05(土)08:10 ID:raTS7uki(1) AAS


> It is hard to determine whether this is a leak or just a placeholder for attention, but it the timing seems quite interesting, considering we are just days away from CES 2019 Keynote where Zen2 are expected to be announced.
> The Ryzen 9 3800X would feature 16 cores and 32 threads, twice as many as current Ryzen 7 2700X mainstream flagship. The CPU is listed with 125W TDP, which is 20W more than 2700X.
> Probably the most interesting bit of information is the clock speed. According to retailer’s information,
> Ryzen 9 3800X would boost up to 4.7 GHz, 400 MHz higher than 2700X.
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