【日本史】GHQに焚書された書籍 (542レス)
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Caron began as a cook's mate[6] on board the Dutch ship Schiedam bound for Japan, where he arrived at Hirado in 1619. He transferred off the ship (either legitimately or via desertion) and began working in Hirado, becoming a full factory assistant in 1626. He quickly developed an aptitude for the Japanese language, and became involved with a local woman (the daughter of Eguchi Jzaemon) with whom he had six children.[6] In 1627 he served as interpreter on a VOC mission to the shogunal capital of Edo, the first of many diplomatic trips he would make.[6]
On 9 April 1633, Caron was promoted to senior merchant, making him the second ranking Company official in Japan. In 1636, the new VOC Director-General Philip Lucasz, wishing to learn about the territories he was charged with overseeing, sent a list of 31 questions about Japan which Caron was charged with answering. Caron's answers formed the outline for his work Beschrijvinghe van het machtigh coninckrijcke Jappan (\"Description of the Mighty Kingdom of Japan\"), published as an appendix to a corporate history in 1645 and as an independent book in 1661. This was one of the first reports to introduce Japan in any detail to a European audience and was widely read, receiving translations into German, French, and English.[7]
Caron was a gifted diplomat and was important to Dutch efforts to ingratiate themselves with the Shogunate at whose mercy their trade operated. In 1636, on another mission to Edo, Caron presented a magnificent copper lantern (which was installed and still stands at Nikk?? T??sh??-g?? shrine) as a gift to secure the release of the hostage Pieter Nuyts, who as VOC ambassador to Japan had instigated a diplomatic incident so severe it forced the shutdown of Hirado for several years.[7][8]
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On 3 February 1639, Caron succeeded Nicolaes Couckebacker as the VOC opperhoofd (chief factor or merchant) in Japan. At this time, the shogunate was implementing severe isolationist policies, including the expulsion of nearly all foreigners and the criminalization of Christian proselytizing. The Portuguese trading out of Nagasaki were completely expelled, and the VOC warehouses at Hirado were destroyed, ostensibly because one was engraved with the Christian date of its erection (\"AD 1638\"). The Dutch, now the only Europeans allowed to trade on Japanese soil, were forced to relocate to the small artificial island of Dejima, although Caron ended his term as opperhoofd shortly before the move took place in the summer of 1641.
カロンは才能ある外交官であり、オランダの貿易を支配していた幕府に気に入られようとするオランダの努力に重要な役割を果たした。 1636年、
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Breskens affair
The \"trade pass\" (Dutch: handelspas) issued in the name of Tokugawa Ieyasu. The text commands: \"Dutch ships are allowed to travel to Japan, and they can disembark on any coast, without any reserve. From now on this regulation must be observed, and the Dutch left free to sail where they want throughout Japan. No offenses to them will be allowed, such as on previous occasions\" dated August 24, 1609 (Keich?? 14, 25th day of the 6th month); n.b., the goshuin (御朱印) identifies this as an official document bearing the shogun's scarlet seal.
Van Elseracq was in Japan when sailors from the Dutch ship Breskens were imprisoned by the Tokugawa shogunate. He played an important role in negotiating their release.[5]
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VOC chief traders in Japan were the chief traders (opperhoofden) of the Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie or VOC in old-spelling Dutch, literally \"United East Indian Company\") in Japan during the period of the Tokugawa shogunate, also known as the Edo period.
The \"trade pass\" (Dutch: handelspas) issued in the name of Tokugawa Ieyasu, allowing Dutch ships to travel to and dock at anywhere in Japan.
Opperhoofd is a Dutch word (plural opperhoofden) which literally means 'supreme head[man]'. In its historical usage, the word is a gubernatorial title, comparable to the English chief factor, for the chief executive officer of a Dutch factory in the sense of trading post, as led by a factor, i.e. agent. The Japanese called the Dutch chief factors kapitan (from Portuguese capito).
The Dutch East India Company was established in 1602 by the States-General of the Netherlands to carry out colonial activities in Asia. The VOC enjoyed unique success in Japan, in part because of the ways in which the character and other qualities of its Opperhoofden were perceived to differ from other competitors.
日本のVOC首席貿易商は、江戸時代としても知られる徳川幕府の時代における日本のオランダ東インド会社(Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie、またはオランダ語の古い綴りではVOC、文字通り「United East Indian Company」)の首席貿易商(opperhoofden)でした。
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Opperhoofd はオランダ語(複数形は opperhoofden)で、文字通り「最高責任者」を意味します。歴史的には、この語は知事の称号で、英語の chief factor に相当し、貿易拠点という意味で、代理人、つまりファクターによって率いられたオランダの商館の最高経営責任者を指します。日本人はオランダの最高経営責任者を kapitan(ポルトガル語の capito から)と呼んでいました。
オランダ東インド会社は、アジアで植民地活動を行うために、1602 年にオランダ総督によって設立されました。VOC は、Opperhoofden の性格やその他の品質が他の競合会社と異なると認識されたこともあり、日本で独自の成功を収めました。
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Hirado, 16091639
The first VOC trading outpost in Japan was on the island of Hirado off the coast of Ky??sh??. Permission for establishing this permanent facility was granted in 1609 by the first Tokugawa-sh??gun Ieyasu; but the right to make use of this convenient location was revoked in 1639.
Dejima, 1639??1860
In 1638, the harsh Sakoku (\"closed door\" policy) was ordered by the Tokugawa shogunate; and by 1641, the VOC had to transfer all of its mercantile operations to the small man-made island of Dejima in Nagasaki harbor. The island had been built for the Portuguese, but they had been forced to abandon it and all contacts with Japan. Only the Dutch were permitted to remain after all other Westerners had been excluded.[citation needed]
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The Dutch presence in Japan was closely monitored and controlled. For example, each year the VOC had to transfer the opperhoofd. Each opperhoofd was expected to travel to Edo to offer tribute to the shogun (Dutch missions to Edo). The VOC traders had to be careful not to import anything religious; and they were not allowed to bring any women, nor to bury their dead ashore. They were largely free to do as they pleased on the island; but they were explicitly ordered to work on Sunday.[citation needed
日本におけるオランダ人の存在は厳しく監視され、統制されていた。例えば、VOC は毎年、奉行所を移転させなければならなかった。奉行所はそれぞれ江戸に赴き、将軍に貢物を捧げることが求められていた (江戸へのオランダ使節団)。VOC の貿易商は、宗教的なものを輸入しないように注意する必要があり、女性を連れて行くことも、死者を陸上で埋葬することも許されなかった。彼らは島内で大体好きなことを自由に行うことができたが、日曜日には働くよう明確に命じられていた。[要出典]
For nearly 200 years a series of VOC traders lived, worked and seemed to thrive in this confined location.[citation needed]
ほぼ 200 年の間、一連の VOC 貿易業者がこの限られた場所に住み、働き、繁栄したように見えました。[引用が必要]
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In 1799 the VOC went bankrupt. The trade with Japan was continued by the Dutch Indian government at Batavia, with an interruption during the English occupation of Java, during which the English (Stamford Raffles) unsuccessfully tried to capture Dejima. After the creation of the Kingdom of The Netherlands (1815) the trade with Japan came under the administration of the Minister of the Colonies by way of the Governor General in Batavia. The directors of the trade (Opperhoofd) became colonial civil servants.
From 1855 the director of the trade with Japan, Janus Henricus Donker Curtius, became 'Dutch Commissioner in Japan' with orders to conclude a treaty with Japan. He succeeded in 1855 to conclude a convention, changed into a treaty in January 1856. In 1857 he concluded a commercial paragraph in addition to the treaty of 1856, thus concluding the first western treaty of friendship and commerce with Japan. His successor, Jan Karel de Wit was Dutch Consul General in Japan, though still a colonial civil servant. In 1862 the Dutch representation in Japan was transferred to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. This change was effected in Japan in 1863, Dirk de Graeff van Polsbroek becoming Consul General and Political Agent in Japan
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Frederick Coyett was the brother-in-law of Franois Caron, both involved in releasing ten Dutch prisoners. Their discussion centered on the Nambu affair of 1643, when the skipper Hendrick Cornelisz Schaep and nine members of the crew of the Breskens were captured in Yamada in Iwate Prefecture.
The Breskens and her sister ship the Castricum (under Maarten Gerritsz Vries) had been sent by order of the Governor General in the Dutch East Indies, Anthonio van Diemen, to search for the Gold and Silver Islands that were said to lie somewhere northeast off the coast of Japan. They were also to investigate a route to northern Asia. In June 1643 the Breskens, which had been separated from the Castricum in a storm, entered the bay of Yamada in Nanbu domain in the northeast of Honshu.
While searching for fresh water and food, ten crewmembers under Captain Schaep were apprehended and brought to the domain capital of Morioka. They were later sent to Edo. Unhappily for the Breskens' crew, a group of four Jesuits intent on infiltrating into Japan had been caught at around the same time in a different part of Japan. As a result, bakufu officials were extremely anxious about the problem of coastal defenses. However after it was understood that the crew were Dutch and not Catholics, bakufu fears were calmed and the problem to be solved became one of deciding by which procedure the Dutch should be released.[7]
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Coyett's superiors in Batavia considered his service as Opperhoofd satisfactory. He was able to maintain an optimal diplomatic stance vis--vis the bakufu in the face of several difficulties and provocations. His status was also enhanced when he and his brother Peter Julius were ennobled by Queen Christina of Sweden in 1649.[8]
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Japan, 17791784
Titsingh was the commercial opperhoofd, or chief factor, in Japan from 1779 to 1780, from 1781 to 1783, and again in 1784. The singular importance of the head of the VOC in Japan during this period was enhanced by the Japanese policy of Sakoku, the self-imposed isolation of Japan that lasted from 1633 to 1853.[5] Because of religious proselytizing by Europeans during the 16th century, the Tokugawa shogunate introduced a policy in the early 17th century that no European or Japanese could enter or leave the Japanese archipelago on penalty of death. The sole exception to this \"closed door\" was the VOC \"factory\" (trading post) on the island of Dejima in Nagasaki Bay, on the southern Japanese island of Ky??sh??. During this period of seclusion, Titsingh is believed to have been the first Freemason in Japan.[6]
ティツィン氏は1779年から1780年、1781年から1783年、そして1784年に日本における商業の責任者、つまり最高責任者であった。この時期の日本における東インド会社の長の並外れた重要性は、1633年から1853年まで続いた日本の鎖国政策、すなわち日本が自ら課した鎖国政策によってさらに高まった。[5] 16世紀のヨーロッパ人による宗教的布教のため、徳川幕府は17世紀初頭に、ヨーロッパ人や日本人が日本列島に出入りすることに違反すれば死刑に処するという政策を導入した。この「鎖国」の唯一の例外は日本南部の九州にある長崎湾の出島にあった東インド会社の工場(交易所)であった。この鎖国時代にティチングは日本で最初のフリーメイソンであったと考えられている。
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In this highly controlled context, the traders became the sole official conduit for trade and for scientific-cultural exchanges between Europe and Japan. The VOC opperhoofd was accorded the status of a tributary of the shogun; Titsingh twice had to pay an obligatory annual visit of homage to the shogun in Edo. Given the scarcity of such opportunities, Titsingh's informal contacts with bakufu officials of Rangaku scholars in Edo may have been as important as his formal audiences with the shogun, Tokugawa Ieharu.[7]
During the 18th century there was an improvement of the social position of the Dutch merchants and the treatment of the Dutch vis--vis the Japanese, who showed a higher degree of respect and recognition than in the centuries before.[8] Nevertheless, the average opperhoofd was not interested in the customs or culture of the Japanese. Titsingh showed an almost incredible interest and distinguished himself as an attentive observer of Japanese civilization for a European of his time when compared to his colleagues in Dejima.[9] Titsingh arrived in Nagasaki on 15 August 1779, where he took over the factory from Arend Willem Feith. He established cordial and amicable relations between the interpreters and Japanese; before his arrival there had been constant fights over trade issues and a deep hostility towards the Japanese interpreter, who seemed in trade issues corrupt to the Dutch traders.
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During his first audience with Ieharu in Edo from 25 March 1780 until 5 April 1780, he met a lot of Japanese daimyo with whom he later established vivid letter correspondence. He became incredibly prominent within the elite society of Edo and became friends with several current and retired daimyo of the area.
18世紀には、オランダ商人の社会的地位が向上し、日本人に対するオランダ人の待遇も改善され、それ以前の数世紀に比べて日本人はオランダ人に対してより高い敬意と認識を示すようになった。[8] しかし、平均的な商人は日本人の習慣や文化に興味を持っていなかった。ティッチングは、出島の同僚たちと比べても、当時のヨーロッパ人としては信じられないほどの関心を示し、日本文明の注意深い観察者として際立っていた。[9] ティッチングは1779年8月15日に長崎に到着し、アーレンド・ウィレム・ファイトから工場を引き継いだ。彼は通訳と日本人の間に心のこもった友好的な関係を築いた。彼が到着する前は、貿易問題をめぐる争いが絶えず、日本人通訳は貿易問題でオランダ商人にとって腐敗しているように見えたため、彼らに対する強い敵意があった。 1780年3月25日から4月5日まで江戸で家治に初めて謁見した際、彼は多くの日本の大名と会い、後に彼らと活発な手紙のやり取りを交わした。彼は江戸のエリート社会で非常に目立つ存在となり、この地域の現役および引退した大名数人と友人になった[10]
After a short return to Batavia in 1780, Titsingh returned to Nagasaki on 12 August 1781, due to his successes with the Dutch-Japanese trade in Dejima.[11] There were no Dutch shipments from Batavia in 1782 due to the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War and thus the trading post in Dejima was cut off from communication with Java during this year. In this year Titsingh stayed in his position as opperhoofd and concerned himself with befriending Japanese scholars, deepening relations with Japanese friends and researching on all scopes of Japanese customs and culture. He also achieved, due to the absence of Dutch shipping that year, important trade talks and great concessions with the Japanese on a long-debated increase to copper exports from Japan to the Dutch traders.[12]
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1780 年にバタビアに短期間戻った後、ティッチングは出島でのオランダと日本の貿易で成功を収め、1781 年 8 月 12 日に長崎に戻った。[11] 1782 年には第四次英蘭戦争のためバタビアからのオランダ船の輸送がなく、この年は出島の商館とジャワとの連絡が途絶えた。この年、ティッチングは商館長の地位に留まり、日本の学者と親交を深め、日本の友人との関係を深め、日本の習慣や文化のあらゆる側面を研究した。また、この年はオランダ船が来なかったため、重要な貿易交渉が成立し、日本からオランダ商人への銅輸出量の増加について日本との大きな譲歩も果たした。
Titsingh stayed a total of three years and eight months in Japan before finally leaving Nagasaki at the end of November 1784 to return to Batavia, where he arrived on 3 January 1785.[13]
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